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This site is a personal non-commercial project (no profit is acquired) and it isn’t intended to violate anyone's legitimate rights. On the contrary, we would like very much to make everything honestly, in collaboration with authors and copyright holders. With a goal to build the largest online painting gallery, it’s just not physically possible to check each picture in a short time, and some blunders may indeed be the case. In such cases, please let me know immediately. If your rights are legitimate, then all objects violating them will be removed from the site as soon as possible. Surely, I'm not going to quarrel with the artists. On the contrary, I invite artists to participate in the functioning of the gallery; in early 2011 Artclub.Gallerix, a service that allows artists to post their own pictures in the gallery for all to see and even to sell them, was opened.
1) If the site contains a picture, which legitimately belongs to you, and you think its presence is inappropriate here - please contact by email mentioned below, and we will solve this issue as quickly as possible.
2) If the site contains a picture, which legitimately belongs to you, and you do not mind its presence in the gallery after completing some conditions, for example, reference to your official web site – write us and your assets will be realized as soon as possible.
3) If the site contains a picture, which legitimately belongs to you, and you are satisfied with its representation on the site - still write, I would be grateful to you for official permission to place electronic copy of the picture in this gallery. Let’s make friends then;)
Thank you for helping me to organize this website! For all matters relating to the submission of your pictures on this site please email
Hi, You have listed on your site several works by an artist called Belts Andrew. I would love to learn more of this fabulous artist. Please let me have details of galleries that represent him, or any other way of reaching him. Thank you. Please reply to revauk@aol.comПривет, Вы перечислили на вашем сайте несколько работ художника называли ремни Андрей. Я хотел бы узнать больше этого сказочного художника. Пожалуйста, сообщите мне детали галерей, которые представляют его, или любым другим способом достижения его. Спасибо. Пожалуйста, ответьте на
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