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Early Renaissance ArtistsItalian Painters and Sculptors of the 15th Century. MAIN A-Z INDEX – A-Z of the RENAISSANCE
Equestrian Monument of BartolommeoColleoni (c.1483-88) Venice.By Andrea del Verrocchio.
Louis III Duke of Mantua (1471-74) Palazzo Ducale, Mantua. (1490) by Mantegna.
ContentsIntroduction • A-Z LIST OF EARLY RENAISSANCE ARTISTS • The Greatest Paintings of the Early Renaissance
Introduction Up until about 1300, European painting, sculpture and architecture were dominated by forms of Gothic art, which drew much of its inspiration from Byzantine art of the Eastern Roman Empire. Then, during the early years of the 14th century – the era of Italian Pre-Renaissance Painting (1300-1400) and the Sienese School – the Florentine painter Giotto (1267-1337) caused a sensation with his Scrovegni (Arena) Chapel Frescoes (1303-10). A pupil of Cimabue, Giotto was the first artist to reject the flat Gothic style of painting, and to give his figures depth and character. Giotto’s new style ushered in what we now call Proto-Renaissance art – a stepping stone to Renaissance art proper.
The Italian Renaissance proper emerged during the quattrocento (1400-1500). Its first phase is called the Early Renaissance, or the Florentine Renaissance, because it was centred on Florence. Early Renaissance painting continued to be influenced by Gothic forms as well as the revolutionary ideas of Giotto, but new techniques developed in Florence soon gave Renaissance art a new and wholly distinctive character.
The 3 most influential founders of the Renaissance in Florence included: (in design) the architect Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446), who was a central figure of early Renaissance architecture (see: Florence Cathedral, Brunelleschi and the Renaissance (1420-36); the painter Tommaso Masaccio (1401-28), who painted the Brancacci Chapel frescoes; and Donatello (1386-1466) – the first of the great Renaissance sculptors – who created the revolutionary bronze nude of David. Other major contributors to the Early Renaissance included: Piero della Francesca (1422-92). Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506) and Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510).
A-Z List of Early Renaissance Artists See below for an alphabetical list of early Renaissance artists.
Agostino di Duccio (1418-1481) Sculptor FlorenceAlberti, Leon Baptista (1404-1472) ArchitectAmodeo, Giovanni Antonio (1447-1522) Milan SculptorAndrea del Castagno (1420-1457) PainterAndrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) Sculptor/PainterAndrea della Robbia (1435-1525) SculptorAndrea di Bartolo (1389-1428) PainterAngelico, Fra (1387-1455) PainterAntonello da Messina (1430-1479) PainterAntonio da Fabriano (1451-1486) PainterAntonio di Domenico da Bamboccio (1351-1422) Naples SculptorBellini, Gentile (1429-1507) PainterBellini, Giovanni (1430-1516) PainterBenedetto da Majano (1442-1497) Marble SculptorBenvenuto di Giovanni (1436-1518) PainterBermejo, Bartolome (1405-1498) Spanish PainterBerruguete, Pedro (1450-1504) Spanish PainterBotticelli (1445-1510) PainterBrunelleschi, Filippo (1377-1446) Campagnola, Giulio (1482-1518) EngraverCaradosso (1445-1527) Goldsmith, Terracotta SculptorCatena, Vincenzo (1480-1531) Venetian PainterCiuffagni, Bernardo (1385-1456) SculptorCivitali, Matteo (1435-1501) Marble SculptorColombe, Michel (c.1430-1512) French Gothic sculptorCozzarelli, Giacomo (1453-1515) Sienese Bronze casterCrivelli, Carlo (1430-1495) PainterCrivelli, Vittorio (1440-1501) PainterDalmau, Luis (1428-1461) Spanish PainterDesiderio da Settignano, (1430-1464) Painter/SculptorDomenico di Bartolo (1400-1447) PainterDonatello (1386-1466) SculptorFederighi, Antonio (c.1420-1490) Sienese SculptorFiorentino, Niccolo (1430-1514) GoldsmithFoppa, Vincenzo (1430-1515) PainterFouquet, Jean (1420-81) French Painter (see his Melun Diptych) Gentile da Fabriano (c.1370-1427) Ghiberti, Lorenzo (1378-1455) SculptorGhirlandaio, Domenico (1449-1494) PainterGiovanni di Paolo (c.1400-82) Sienese PainterGiuliano da Sangallo, (1443-1516) ArchitectGoncalves, Nuno (1450-1471) PortugueseGozzoli, Benozzo (1420-1497) PainterHuguet, Jaume (1415-1492) Spanish PainterJacopo de Barbari (1440-1515) PainterJacopo della Quercia (1371-1438) SculptorLippi, Filippino (1457-1504) PainterLippi, Fra Filippo (1406-1469) PainterLombardo, Pietro (1435-1515) SculptorLuca della Robbia (1400-1482) Sculptor, Mantegazza, Antonio (died 1495) Milan SculptorMantegazza, Cristoforo (died 1482) Milan SculptorMantegna, Andrea (1431-1506) PainterMasolino (1383-1447) PainterMazzoni, Guido (1450-1518) SculptorMelozzo da Forli (1438-1494 PainterMichelino da Besozzo (1388-1450) PainterMichelozzi, Michelozzo (1391-1473) Florentine SculptorMichelozzo di Bartolomeo (1396-1472) Medici ArchitectMino da Fiesole (1431-1484) Marble SculptorMontagna, Bartolomeo (1450-1523) PainterNanni di Banco (1380-1421) SculptorNiccolo Dell ’Arca (1435-94) Terracotta SculptorPerugino (1450-1523): original fresco decorator of Raphael Rooms.Piero della Francesca (1422-1492) PainterPiero di Cosimo (1462-1521) PainterPiero di Niccolo Lamberti (1393-1435) SculptorPinturicchio (1454-1513) PainterPisanello (1395-1455) PainterPollaiolo, Piero (1441-1496) PainterPollaiuolo, Antonio (1432-1498) Painter/SculptorRossellino, Antonio (1427-1479) SculptorRossellino, Bernardo (1409-1464) Marble SculptorSassetta (Stefano di Giovanni) (c.1395-1450) PainterSquarcione, Francesco (1395-1468) PainterStefano di Zevio (1375-1451) PainterTura, Cosme (1430-1495) PainterUccello, Paolo (1397-1475) PainterUgo da Carpi (1455-1523) Woodcut artistVecchietta (1410-1480) Sienese SculptorVecchio, Palma (1480-1528) Venetian PainterVeneziano, Domenico (1410-1461) PainterVivarini, Alvise (1445-1505) PainterVivarini, Antonio (1420-1484) PainterVivarini, Bartolomeo (1440-1500) PainterZoppo, Marco (1433-1478) Painter
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