Национальная галерея Ирландии:
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Оглавление: Энциклопедия
Национальная галерея Ирландии, ведущий художественный музей в Дублине: основные моменты коллекции, выставки, часы работы.Лучшие художественные музеи мира
Девушка Коннемара ирландский художникОгастас Николас Берк.
ИЗОБРАЗИТЕЛЬНОЕ ИСКУССТВО по самой высокой цене Список 10 лучших работхудожников из Ирландии см. В разделе «Самые дорогие ирландские картины».
Расположенная в центре Дублина Национальная галерея Ирландии (Ghailearaí Náisiúnta na hÉireann) хранит государственную коллекцию ирландского и европейского искусства , включая картины, рисунки и скульптуры. Основанная в 1854 году после Великой промышленной выставки, Галерея хранит более 14000 произведений искусства, в том числе обширную коллекцию ирландской живописи , широкий спектр картин старых мастеров (14-го века по настоящее время), особенно из итальянского барокко и голландских / фламандских школ. а также коллекция акварелей Тернера, европейских и ирландских рисунков, миниатюр, гравюр и ирландской скульптуры.
Among its 2, 500 oil paintings are European works by Velázquez, Goya, Caravaggio, Vermeer, Titian, Pieter Brueghel the Younger, Rembrandt, Rubens, van Dyck, Monet and Picasso.
Among its collection of Irish paintings are works by James Barry, Augustus Nicholas Burke, Gerard Dillon, Paul Henry, Nathaniel Hone the Elder, Mainie Jellett, Sean Keating, John Lavery, Louis le Brocquy, William John Leech, Daniel Maclise, Roderic O’Conor, Walter Osborne, Sarah Purser and Jack B. Yeats, as well as several other Irish painters and sculptors.
Le Petit Dejeuner, by IrishPortraitist Sarah Purser.
BEST EUROPEAN MUSEUMSSee: Art Museums in Europe.
Over the years, the National Gallery of Ireland has benefited from numerous valuable bequests and art donations, including those from the Dowager Countess of Milltown (contents of Russborough House), Henry Vaughan (watercolours by the English painter J.M.W. Turner), Hugh Lane, George Bernard Shaw, Chester Beatty, the Sweeney bequest (inc. paintings by Picasso and Jack B. Yeats), Alfred Beit (pictures by Velázquez, Murillo, Steen, Vermeer and Raeburn), and Anne Yeats (drawings and sketchbooks by her uncle Jack B. Yeats).
Gallery Admission and Services Admission to the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Ireland is free, although donations are welcome. Free public tours occur on Saturdays (3pm) and Sundays (2pm, 3pm, 4pm), and free guided tours for visually and hearing impaired visitors may be booked by writing three weeks in advance.
Free public lectures are held on Tuesdays (10.30am) and Sundays (3pm). In addition, gallery curators are available to appraise paintings, prints and drawings brought into the Gallery 10-noon by members of the public on the first Thursday of each month, except August and January.
As part of the Gallery’s extensive library and research services, data collections comprising art material relating to the development of both Irish and international visual arts from the middle ages onwards are viewable by appointment to all researchers, Monday to Friday 10am-5pm.
For more information, including details of opening times, please contact:National Gallery of IrelandMerrion Square WestDublin 2Telephone: 01-661-5133Website: www.nationalgallery.ie
More Details About The Top Irish Art Galleries For reviews of the best museums of arts in Ireland, see: National Museum of Ireland Irish Museum of Modern Art Hugh Lane Gallery Dublin Chester Beatty Library National Self-Portrait Collection The Hunt Museum (Limerick)
For details of other Leinster fine art exhibitions and collections, see: Irish Art Galleries and Museums.• See also: History of Irish Art.• For details of the world’s finest museums, see: Homepage.• For more about venues like the National Gallery of Ireland, see: Irish Art Guide.
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